Active on Sale Date, 90 day Expiration
Active on Sale Date, 90 day Expiration
Take as many classes as you like every month Expires 30 days from Sale date. Must Self Renew
10 days of Unlimited use to see which Classes fit your Needs
Use this Promo Code to Attend Yoga Classes if you are having Financial Difficulty. This offer is Based on the Practice of Satya ~ truthfulness and Asteya ~ non-stealing
This Class will Focus on Foundational Postures, Beginning Sun Salutations and a Great Place to Start if you are a Beginner. Standing and Seated Asanas will be Practiced with a Focus on Breath Work, Balance and Body Awareness.
All Levels Welcome
Vinyasa means to Flow with the Breath. This Class will Build Strength and Stamina as you Flow Seamlessly through Sun Salutations Fused with Traditional asanas as you Prepare the Mind & Body for a Peak Pose. Class will Challenge your Balance, Core Strength and of course your Flexibility. All Levels Welcome
Yoga for Peace is Designed to help Calm the Nervous System. Class will Focus on Breathwork, Relaxation and finding Peace within. Standing and Seated asanas will be Practiced with a Deep Awareness on Softening the Body, Breathing and finding the Middle in our Practice and in Life.
NOTE: This Class is Trauma Sensitive but Appropriate for Anyone.
Rocket Ashtanga offers a whole system of yoga routines that train the body in a wholistic and dynamic way. Every Rocket routine follows an organized template of postures, working from standing into seated, and then followed by the finishing series. There is also a focus on the core strengthening. Core strength provides a firm foundation for any body in motion. Moving with awareness from your center helps to prevent injury, and allows for a more light, fluid movement. All levels welcome and encouraged! Options given for success in this class regardless of skill level.
Pilates Fusion is a Fun and Challenging Mix of the 34 Traditional Joseph Pilates Exercises Blended with Yoga, Lower Body Strength and Balance training. This Amazing Combo will Strengthen your Core, Increase Range of Motion, Create Long and Lean Muscles while Burning Calories too.
All Levels Welcome
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a fast paced, challenging workout that alternates between bursts of exercise and short periods of rest. This class is designed to improve your cardiovascular endurance, burn calories, and build muscle in a short amount of time.
All levels welcome, Modifications will be given as well as options to dial up the intensity. Please bring your own yoga mat.
Will receive a 15% discount on any Class Pack or Monthly Unlimited offer, does not apply to Workshops, Events or Specialty. Discount will apply based on the Honor System, Proof of ID may be Required.
Please contact with any questions.
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May we Never Forget.